Case Study of SiDU Social Media Management

tinju tinja unicef logo


Successfully Collaborate
offline-online campaign

Sinar Dunia - Sinar Mas

Mouse animated

Problem Overview

SiDU has some product variants, such as multi-purpose paper, exercise book, origami paper, etc. This variant makes SiDU target market are range from kindergarten to employee.

Trying to reach all segment in social media need more than one social media account with different language style. There will be more budget for sure. The challenge is how to grab all segments in only one social media account.

background red colored with rhombus shape

The Solution

We came up with an idea to manage all product variants in one single account with three different image styles, color, and language.

Therefore, three different target markets will be attracted with less effort to maintain the account and a more effective budget for sure.

background red colored with rhombus shape

Successful Collaboration!

SiDU has a lot of offline agenda for the whole year. We combine those offline activities with the presence of social media to make a greater impact.

Engagement with followers raise more than 60% in 1 year and continues with 80% in the next 3 months. This makes other significant followers on their official store in the marketplace.

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